Source code for rms.lightcurve

# Licensed under the MIT License - see LICENSE
Methods for taking the raw light curves from MAST and producing cleaned light
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,

from import fits
from astropy.time import Time
import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import shutil

__all__ = ['LightCurve']

[docs]class LightCurve(object): """ Container object for light curves. """ def __init__(self, times=None, fluxes=None, errors=None, quarters=None, name=None): """ Parameters ---------- times : `~numpy.ndarray` Times in JD fluxes : `~numpy.ndarray` Fluxes (normalized or not) errors : `~numpy.ndarray` Uncertainties on the fluxes quarters : `~numpy.ndarray` (optional) Kepler Quarter for each flux name : str Name this light curve (optional) """ if isinstance(times[0], Time) and isinstance(times, np.ndarray): times = Time(times) elif not isinstance(times, Time): times = Time(times, format='jd') self.times = times self.fluxes = fluxes if self.times is not None and errors is None: errors = np.zeros_like(self.fluxes) - 1 self.errors = errors if self.times is not None and quarters is None: quarters = np.zeros_like(self.fluxes) - 1 self.quarters = quarters = name
[docs] def phases(self, params): phase = ((self.times.jd - params.t0) % params.per_rot)/params.per_rot phase[phase > 0.5] -= 1.0 return phase
[docs] def plot(self, star=None, ax=None, show=True, phase=None, plot_kwargs={'color':'k', 'lw':0, 'marker':'.'}): """ Plot light curve. Parameters ---------- star : `~rms.Star` (optional) Star parameters. Required if `phase` is `True`. ax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` (optional) Axis to make plot on top of show : bool If `True`, call `` after plot is made phase : bool If `True`, map times in JD to orbital phases, which requires that `transit_params` be input also. plot_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments to pass to `~matplotlib` calls. """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if star is not None and phase is None: phase = True if phase: x = (self.times.jd - star.t0)/star.per_rot % 1 first_half = x < 0.5 second_half = x >= 0.5 ax.plot(x[second_half] - 1, self.fluxes[second_half], '.', color='gray', alpha=0.5) ax.plot(x[first_half] + 1, self.fluxes[first_half], '.', color='gray', alpha=0.5) ax.plot(x, self.fluxes, **plot_kwargs) else: ax.plot(self.times.jd, self.fluxes, **plot_kwargs) ax.set(xlabel='Time' if not phase else 'Phase', ylabel='Flux') if is not None: ax.set_title( if show: return ax
[docs] def save_to(self, path, overwrite=False, for_stsp=False): """ Save times, fluxes, errors to new directory ``dirname`` in ``path`` """ dirname = output_path = os.path.join(path, dirname) self.times = Time(self.times) if not for_stsp: if os.path.exists(output_path) and overwrite: shutil.rmtree(output_path) if not os.path.exists(output_path): os.mkdir(output_path) for attr in ['times_jd', 'fluxes', 'errors', 'quarters']: np.savetxt(os.path.join(path, dirname, '{0}.txt'.format(attr)), getattr(self, attr)) else: if not os.path.exists(output_path) or overwrite: attrs = ['times_jd', 'fluxes', 'errors'] output_array = np.zeros((len(self.fluxes), len(attrs)), dtype=float) for i, attr in enumerate(attrs): output_array[:, i] = getattr(self, attr) np.savetxt(os.path.join(path, dirname+'.txt'), output_array)
[docs] @classmethod def from_raw_fits(cls, fits_paths, name=None): """ Load FITS files downloaded from MAST into the `LightCurve` object. Parameters ---------- fits_paths : list List of paths to FITS files to read in name : str (optional) Name of light curve Returns ------- lc : `LightCurve` The light curve for the data in the fits files. """ fluxes = [] errors = [] times = [] quarter = [] # Manual on times: for path in fits_paths: data = fits.getdata(path) header = fits.getheader(path) timslice =[1].header['TIMSLICE'] time_slice_correction = (0.25 + 0.62*(5.0 - timslice))/86400 times.append(data['TIME'] + 2454833.0)# - data['TIMECORR'] + time_slice_correction) errors.append(data['SAP_FLUX_ERR']) fluxes.append(data['SAP_FLUX']) quarter.append(len(data['TIME'])*[header['QUARTER']]) times, fluxes, errors, quarter = [np.concatenate(i) for i in [times, fluxes, errors, quarter]] mask_nans = np.zeros_like(fluxes).astype(bool) for attr in [times, fluxes, errors]: mask_nans |= np.isnan(attr) times, fluxes, errors, quarter = [attr[-mask_nans] for attr in [times, fluxes, errors, quarter]] return LightCurve(times, fluxes, errors, quarters=quarter, name=name)
[docs] @classmethod def from_dir(cls, path, for_stsp=False): """Load light curve from numpy save files in ``dir``""" if not for_stsp: times, fluxes, errors, quarters = [np.loadtxt(os.path.join(path, '{0}.txt'.format(attr))) for attr in ['times_jd', 'fluxes', 'errors', 'quarters']] else: quarters = None times, fluxes, errors = np.loadtxt(path, unpack=True) if os.sep in path: name = path.split(os.sep)[-1] else: name = path if name.endswith('.txt'): name = name[:-4] return cls(times, fluxes, errors, quarters=quarters, name=name)
[docs] def delete_outliers(self): d = np.diff(self.fluxes) spikey = np.abs(d - np.median(d)) > 2.5*np.std(d) neighboring_spikes = spikey[1:] & spikey[:-1] opposite_signs = np.sign(d[1:]) != np.sign(d[:-1]) outliers = np.argwhere(neighboring_spikes & opposite_signs) + 1 #print('number bad fluxes: {0}'.format(len(outliers))) self.times = Time(np.delete(self.times.jd, outliers), format='jd') self.fluxes = np.delete(self.fluxes, outliers) self.errors = np.delete(self.errors, outliers) self.quarters = np.delete(self.quarters, outliers)
[docs] def get_available_quarters(self): """ Get which quarters are available in this `LightCurve` Returns ------- qs : list List of unique quarters available. """ return list(set(self.quarters))
[docs] def get_quarter(self, quarter): """ Get a copy of the data from within `LightCurve` during one Kepler quarter. Parameters ---------- quarter : int Kepler Quarter Returns ------- lc : `LightCurve` Light curve from one Kepler Quarter """ this_quarter = self.quarters == quarter return LightCurve(times=self.times[this_quarter], fluxes=self.fluxes[this_quarter], errors=self.errors[this_quarter], quarters=self.quarters[this_quarter], + '_quarter_{0}'.format(quarter))
@property def times_jd(self): """ Get the times in this light curve in JD. Returns ------- t_jd : `~numpy.ndarray` Julian dates. """ return self.times.jd
[docs] def split_at_index(self, index): """ Split the light curve into two light curves, at ``index`` """ return (LightCurve(times=self.times[:index], fluxes=self.fluxes[:index], errors=self.errors[:index], quarters=self.quarters[:index],, LightCurve(times=self.times[index:], fluxes=self.fluxes[index:], errors=self.errors[index:], quarters=self.quarters[index:],