Source code for rms.stsp

# Licensed under the MIT License - see LICENSE.rst
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
from glob import glob
import datetime
from threading import Lock
from warnings import warn
import os, subprocess, shutil, time

import numpy as np
from import ascii

from .lightcurve import LightCurve
from .exceptions import OverlappingSpotsWarning

__all__ = ['STSP']

lock = Lock()

stsp_executable = os.getenv('STSP_EXECUTABLE')

infile_template_l = """#PLANET PROPERTIES
1							; Number of planets -- (if there are more than 1 planet, then the set of 8 planet properties are repeated)
{t0:2.10f}					; T0, epoch         (middle of first transit) in days.
{period:2.10f}				; Planet Period      (days)
{depth:2.10f}				; (Rp/Rs)^2         (Rplanet / Rstar )^ 2
{duration:2.10f}			; Duration (days)   (physical duration of transit, not used)
{b:2.10f}					; Impact parameter  (0= planet cross over equator)
{inclination:2.10f}			; Inclination angle of orbit (90 deg = planet crosses over equator)
{lam:2.10f}					; Lambda of orbit (0 deg = orbital axis along z-axis)
{ecosw:2.10f}			; ecosw
{esinw:2.10f}			; esinw
{rho_s:2.10f} 			; Mean Stellar density (Msun/Rsun^3)
{per_rot:2.10f}			; Stellar Rotation period (days)
4780					; Stellar Temperature
0.31					; Stellar metallicity
{tilt_from_z:2.10f}						; Tilt of the rotation axis of the star down from z-axis (degrees)
{nonlinear_ld}			; Limb darkening (4 coefficients)
{n_ld_rings:d}			; number of rings for limb darkening appoximation
{n_spots}						; number of spots
{spot_contrast}					; fractional lightness of spots (0.0=total dark, 1.0=same as star)
{model_path}			; lightcurve input data file
{start_time:2.10f}		; start time to start fitting the light curve
{lc_duration:2.10f}		; duration of light curve to fit (days)
{real_max:2.10f}		; real maximum of light curve data (corrected for noise), 0 -> use downfrommax
0						; is light curve flattened (to zero) outside of transits?
l						; l= generate light curve from parameters

spot_params_template = """{spot_radius:2.10f}		; spot radius
{spot_theta:2.10f}		; theta
{spot_phi:2.10f}		; phi

def quadratic_to_nonlinear(u1, u2):
    a1 = a3 = 0
    a2 = u1 + 2*u2
    a4 = -u2
    return a1, a2, a3, a4

def _clean_up(require_input=False):
    paths_to_clean = glob(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
    if require_input:
        user_input = input("Delete following paths [y]/n: \n" +
        if not user_input.lower() == 'n':
            for directory in paths_to_clean:
        for directory in paths_to_clean:

def _spot_obj_to_params(spot):

    if hasattr(spot, '__len__'):
        validated_spot_list = find_overlapping_spots(spot)
        return np.concatenate([[s.r, s.theta, s.phi]
                               for s in validated_spot_list])
        return np.array([spot.r, spot.theta, spot.phi])

def find_overlapping_spots(spot_list, tolerance=1.01):
    Find overlapping spots in a list of spot objects.

    spot_list : list
    tolerance : float
    overlapping_pairs = []
    spots_with_overlap = []
    for i in range(len(spot_list)):
        for j in range(len(spot_list)):
            if i < j:
                sep = np.arccos(np.cos(spot_list[i].theta) * np.cos(spot_list[j].theta) +
                                np.sin(spot_list[i].theta) * np.sin(spot_list[j].theta) *
                                np.cos(spot_list[i].phi - spot_list[j].phi))
                if sep < tolerance * (spot_list[i].r + spot_list[j].r):
                    overlapping_pairs.append((i, j))

                    if i not in spots_with_overlap:
                    if j not in spots_with_overlap:

    spots_without_overlap = [spot for i, spot in enumerate(spot_list)
                             if i not in spots_with_overlap]
    save_these_spot_indices = [i[0] for i in overlapping_pairs]
    toss_these_spot_indices = [i[1] for i in overlapping_pairs]
    save_these_spots = [spot for i, spot in enumerate(spot_list)
                        if i in save_these_spot_indices]
    toss_these_spots = [spot for i, spot in enumerate(spot_list)
                        if i in toss_these_spot_indices]
    if len(spots_with_overlap) > 0:
        warning_message = ('Some spots were overlapping. Tossing one of the two'
                           ' overlapping spots. \n\nSpots tossed:\n\n' +
                           '\n'.join(map(str, toss_these_spots)))
        warn(warning_message, OverlappingSpotsWarning)

    return spots_without_overlap + save_these_spots

[docs]class STSP(object): """ Context manager for working with STSP """ def __init__(self, times, star, spot, outdir=None, keep_dir=False): """ Parameters ---------- times : `~astropy.time.Time` Time array object star : `~rms.Star` Parameters for star spot : `~rms.Spot` or list of `~rms.Spot` objects Spot parameter object(s) outdir : str Directory to write temporary outputs into """ self.times = times = star self.spot_params = _spot_obj_to_params(spot) self.spot_contrast = current_time ="%Y%m%d_%H%M%S_%f") random_integer = np.random.randint(0, 1e6) if outdir is None: self.outdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '.rms_tmp_{0}_{1}' .format(current_time, random_integer))) else: self.outdir = outdir os.makedirs(self.outdir) self.model_path = os.path.join(self.outdir, 'model_lc.dat') self.keep_dir = keep_dir def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *args): if not self.keep_dir: shutil.rmtree(self.outdir)
[docs] def safe_clean_up(self): paths_to_delete = ['model_lc.dat', '', 'xyzdetail.txt', 'test_lcout.txt', 'test_errstsp.txt'] for path in paths_to_delete: abspath = os.path.join(self.outdir, path) if os.path.exists(abspath): os.remove(abspath)
[docs] def generate_lightcurve(self, n_ld_rings=40, stsp_exec=None): """ Generate a light curve with STSP. Parameters ---------- n_ld_rings : int Number of concentric rings to use in the limb-darkening approximation stsp_exec : str (optional) Optionally pass in a path to a different STSP executable with this argument. Return ------ lc : `~rms.LightCurve` Light curve object with the model from STSP. """ if stsp_exec is None: stsp_exec = stsp_executable # Normalize light curve to unity real_max = 1 n_transits = np.rint(np.median(( - self.times.jd) / times = self.times.jd fluxes = np.ones_like(times) np.savetxt(self.model_path, np.vstack([times, fluxes, fluxes]).T, fmt=str('%1.10f'), delimiter='\t', header='stspinputs') # Calculate parameters for STSP: eccentricity, omega =, ecosw = eccentricity*np.cos(np.radians(omega)) esinw = eccentricity*np.sin(np.radians(omega)) start_time = times[0] lc_duration = times[-1] - times[0] nonlinear_ld = quadratic_to_nonlinear(* nonlinear_ld_string = ' '.join(map("{0:.5f}".format, nonlinear_ld)) # get spot parameters sorted out spot_params_str = _spot_params_to_string(self.spot_params) # Stick those values into the template file params_dict = dict(, ecosw=ecosw, esinw=esinw,,, start_time=start_time, lc_duration=lc_duration, real_max=real_max,, rho_s=1.0, ** 2,,,,, nonlinear_ld=nonlinear_ld_string, n_ld_rings=n_ld_rings, spot_params=spot_params_str[:-1], n_spots=int(len(self.spot_params)/3), model_path=os.path.basename(self.model_path), spot_contrast=self.spot_contrast) in_file_text = infile_template_l.format(**params_dict) # Write out the `.in` file with open(os.path.join(self.outdir, ''), 'w') as in_file: in_file.write(in_file_text) try: stdout = subprocess.check_output([stsp_exec, ''], cwd=self.outdir) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err: pass # print("Failed. Error:", err.output, err.stderr, err.stdout) time.sleep(0.01) # Read the outputs if os.stat(os.path.join(self.outdir, 'test_lcout.txt')).st_size == 0: stsp_times = self.times.jd stsp_fluxes = np.ones_like(self.times) stsp_flag = 0 * np.ones_like(self.times) else: tbl =, 'test_lcout.txt'), format='fast_no_header') stsp_times, stsp_fluxes, stsp_flag = tbl['col1'], tbl['col4'], tbl['col5'] return LightCurve(times=stsp_times,, quarters=stsp_flag)
def _spot_params_to_string(spot_params): spot_params_str = "" for param_set in np.split(spot_params, len(spot_params)/3): spot_params_str += spot_params_template.format(spot_radius=param_set[0], spot_theta=param_set[1], spot_phi=param_set[2]) return spot_params_str